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When is onion ready to harvest
This is a very interesting and amazing fact when is onion ready to harvest? Most people asked this question the real and interesting fact is that when a few weeks pass away after growing the onion you can harvest them or when they are big enough to suit you or useable you can harvest them in Indian villages the people start harvesting and using after half mature onion. When the bulbs of the onion start fattening up and the top becomes yellow then after a few days you should harvest your onion.
When is Indian onion ready to harvest:
Mostly there is two harvesting seasons to harvest Indian onion first starts from November to January and the second cycle of harvesting start from January to May. The first season of Indian onion harvesting starts in November; the season is very cool and the price of onion is remarkably high. In the second cycle which starts from January to May, there is two parts of the season growing season is cool and the harvesting season is hot.
When is spring onion ready to harvest:
Spring onion starts sowing in January and harvests within eight weeks when the bulb is still small less than 2.5 cm and

What potatoes are healthiest
Following kinds of potatoes are available in Indian marketplaces which are healthiest than the other potatoes in the world you may find the details about the world’s best healthiest potatoes in this article.
Which potatoes are healthiest for diabetics:
There is different kind of potatoes which are available in India that help in grooming and provide healthy life but most people in the world asked the question that what kind of potatoes are very helpful in diabetes the right answer is those sweet potatoes which is the kind of potatoes that are most suitable and helpful in diabetes as they are low-GL and contain more fiber than white potatoes. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of calcium and vitamin A. Carisma which is another kind of white potato also contains lower GL available especially in India.
What potatoes are healthy to eat:
Scientists researched well and after deep research and findings, they reached the decision that taking into account the macronutrient balance, minerals density, vitamins density the sugar to fiber ratio, the sodium to potassium ratio, and the phytochemical profile red potatoes are the healthiest potatoes with the data from the USDA database.

How often to water tomato plants
These are very common facts and also interesting ones the good news is that there is not too much care of tomatoes curing process of tomatoes is too much easy the watering of the tomatoes is dependent upon the size and color and they mostly depend on the weather. Nothing tastes better than Indian-grown tomatoes. If you’ve eaten in India then now it’s the time. It’s easy, fun saves you tons of money, and is a great way to introduce kids to gardening. But with over 700 varieties to choose from, how to choose and grow the right tomato for your meal
These are very common facts and also interesting ones the good news is that there is not too much care of tomatoes curing process of tomatoes is too much easy the watering of the tomatoes is dependent upon the size and color and they mostly depend on the weather. Nothing tastes better than Indian-grown tomatoes. If you’ve eaten in India then now it’s the time. It’s easy, fun saves you tons of money, and is a great way to introduce kids to gardening. But with over 700 varieties to choose from, how to choose and grow the right tomato for your meal

How to pick a mango
How to dry orange slices:
Dry the orange slices in the oven at 200 to 225°F for several hours until completely dry*. (See notes below) This should take 3 to 5 hours, depending on your oven and the size of the orange slices. Carefully turn the slices every hour to promote even drying
Step 1: Take 4 oranges. Wash them and dry them well.
Step 2: Preheat the oven to 80C/175F.
Step 3: Using a small, sharp serrated knife, thinly slice the oranges. …
Step 4: Pick out all the seeds and pat the slices dry with kitchen paper. …
Step 5: Bake for 3.5 to 5.5 hours.

How to pick a pomegranate
Pomegranates are a wonderful fall/winter fruit filled with shiny ruby-red seeds called arils, which are like little capsules of juice that burst in the mouth. The taste is similar to citrus – a little sour, a little sweet – and they are full of vitamin C and antioxidants. Pomegranate pitting is easy once you get the hang of it—plus, it’s half the cost of buying ready-to-eat arils.
When you see pomegranates in the store, they are ripe and ready to eat. Choose pomegranates that are heavy for their size (the heavier the fruit, the juicier it will be) with firm, blemish-free skin. And don’t forget to wear an apron and use a stain-resistant work surface before you start working with the pomegranates, as the juice will splatter and stain.
How many seeds in a pomegranate:
Pomegranate seeds are said to have 613 -. The pomegranate was revered for the beauty of its bush, flowers and fruit – symbolizing sanctity, fertility and abundance. The Song of Solomon compares the faces of the bride behind the veil to two halves of a pomegranate.
Jewish tradition teaches that the pomegranate is a symbol of righteousness because it is said to have 613 seeds, corresponding to the 613 mitzvot, or commandments of the Torah. In some artistic depictions, the pomegranate is in the hand of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

How to zest a dry orange slice
How to dry orange slices:
Dry the orange slices in the oven at 200 to 225°F for several hours until completely dry*. (See notes below) This should take 3 to 5 hours, depending on your oven and the size of the orange slices. Carefully turn the slices every hour to promote even drying
Step 1: Take 4 oranges. Wash them and dry them well.
Step 2: Preheat the oven to 80C/175F.
Step 3: Using a small, sharp serrated knife, thinly slice the oranges. …
Step 4: Pick out all the seeds and pat the slices dry with kitchen paper. …
Step 5: Bake for 3.5 to 5.5 hours.